Boom Warrior v1.0. (My First Rise of Shadows Deck)

Class: Warrior - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-61 - Style: ladder

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Well, This is it. This is the Start of a new Era for Hearthstone as a whole, and decks being experimented. Now because of the name of the Wrenchcalibur was the main reason why I wanted to start off warrior with a Bang (pun intended.) If it wasn’t for Wrenchcalibur, I would be making some sort of normal Control Dragon Warrior Deck, (Which I still intended to try and do and I know it’s not perfect.) (…Yet-ish.)

The Purpose of the amount of Bombs you want to chuck into the Opponent’s Deck for as much as you can, is to completely shut down any form of Card drawing; whether it would be drawing for reloading, or searching for a card that you need. Your most vulnerable targets are decks like Miracle and Tempo, or just any deck in general that likes to draw out cards. Your Weakness however has got to be Tess Rouge, because of Academic Espionage completely shutting your goal as a purpose.

Now you could be asking yourself: “Why not 6 Bombs and not 10?”, and Yes, this really is an overkill for how much bombs you are putting to your opponent’s deck, but the answer is that you are here to scare off your opponent with your bombs. And many of times has players overlapped their 30 Default Health, such as the amount of armor Warrior can get, and how much healing Priest can do. Remember that Priest for example with just 2 Omega Medics, has roughly 50+ Health, if he were to heal himself here and there, and Warriors being comfortable with their 15-30 extra armor.

One neat and crafty trick that I learned about Wrenchcalibur is to purposly keep the Duration at 1 for as long as possible along with Upgrade! , in case your opponent plays an ooze. Since you only need to attack to throw a bomb at your opponent, Over-upgrading your Wrenchcalibur is going to really hurt your influence if he plays Ooze, because now you have lost 3-4 Bombs that you could have used to really scare off your opponent from searching for cards.

Now I know that my Deck isn’t perfect, or that it could be too slow, but I do think that Boom Warrior should be a legit new strategy that I thought of for Hearthstone. The Idea made me felt like I was an evil genius for inventing Boom Warrior.

Some Bloopers that I had was that you could Elekk and Wrench for 2 bombs for the price of 1, but the problem is that it costs 7 mana to do it, and you probably can only do it once, because it’s an obvious answer for your opponent to kill your Elekk. Now you could try “Tempo Bomb Warrior” where you Elekk, Goblin, Goblin on Turn 10, having a bit of a body and also giving your opponent 4 bombs to worry about, but the problem is that, that was 3 Minions that you had played on Turn 10, and warrior isn’t excatly the fastest card drawing class to play.

In conclusion, I would love your guy’s feedback for the potential of the New Deck Recipe for Warrior, Boom Warrior, and what cards I should trim out. I tried to pull off a Dragon Control Boom Warrior Deck, and I think it’ll do alright for the first few days, since it’ll be “Experimentation week”, but after the first week, then I really need to try and adapt with my Boom Warrior.

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