General Mulligans
so, how this deck is for advanced turns, you need to control the table and draw too much, thats why saronite or giggling can support the table wery well, or in other case volcano+lighting storm
Aggro Mulligans
against aggro you will need to control the table very well, so i recommend: giggling+lightning
Midrange Mulligans
vs midrange, a mixed mulligan, support+bombs
Combo Mulligans
against combo, you need to win fast, so try to play bombs and pray for not burning Shudderwock
Control Mulligans
vs control, you can play calm and relaxed, start with bombs inmediatly
Guide soon!
Actually its a very good combo/tempo deck for higher rank, so i dont recommend craft it if you are on lower rank
And obviusly, its fun, not competetive but, who knows?