There’s a lot of Rogue going around, so why not try some Face Warrior? You can gain a lot of advantage when using Upgrade! on a Truesilver Champion, or burst with a Heroic Strike on a Doomhammer. You probably should look for Acidic Swamp Ooze in your mulligan because you often will just lose to a Rogue with a hugely buffed weapon. I’m not completely sold on the Charge/Molten Giant package, but when it works it’s pretty awesome. Be wary of buffing any weapon without using it, most people are running cards like Ooze and Harrison Jones.
I agree, it works well, especially with buffed weapons, and then send a 9+ attack charger to the face, it’s a shame warsong commander doesn’t work anymore ð
Charge works with Bloodsail Rider as well..