The deck is super fun and a lot better then expected. 4-1 with it on low ladder, but it beat a zoo, 2 face shaman, and an Nzoth Priest. I took out the second elemental destruction for a doomhammer. Feels a lot better cause the deck is really slow and it provides boardclear/burst with rockbiter. I took out Yogg cause he Pyroblasted my face with Malygos and he killed me -_- (Still Salty). Would recommend Nefarian for more dragon synergy and a possible combo with Brann
The deck is super fun and a lot better then expected. 4-1 with it on low ladder, but it beat a zoo, 2 face shaman, and an Nzoth Priest. I took out the second elemental destruction for a doomhammer. Feels a lot better cause the deck is really slow and it provides boardclear/burst with rockbiter. I took out Yogg cause he Pyroblasted my face with Malygos and he killed me -_- (Still Salty). Would recommend Nefarian for more dragon synergy and a possible combo with Brann
1 drop card only? thats bad for a deck like this.
I guess Halazeal is essential, or do you have any suggestions to replace him?
I’m not sure how to replace anything in this deck, it’s pretty crazy!
Damn, i like it sooo much, but can’t try it, i will craft hallazeal…
im using ysera/nefarian instead of onyxia/maly and for hellazeal hammer of darkness or just fire elemental is ok
Mistake here. Can’t be two Ele Destructions in a reno deck?
If you draw the duplicate card then Reno will still work.