General Mulligans
early tempo cards that generate value and complete quest
Midrange Mulligans
These cards will finish your quest by turn 5
This is a midrange deck with the sole purpose of Makine Chungus a big boi.
I added Elysiana because I’m a control freak at heart and I need that value… Don’t take it away from me!
Hungry Crab is OP!!! 1 mana 5/6 and Fishflinger helps you not have to sacrifice your board by giving your opponent something to kill Instead
Faceless Lurker, coppertail, omega defender, lifedrinker, siamat, and Barista are all part of the wombo combo with shudderwock. You get an op 2X/3X something with divine shield stealth and windfury
This deck has no perfect board clears you have to get creative but usually you can go aggro in the early game and overwhelm your opponent so I didn’t think it was that necessary
Plague of Murlocs is basically a silence for when the big taunt bosses start popping on board
Mind Control Tech with five enemy minions on board is “guaranteed” to give you the opponents most OP cards
and lightning storm is boring but it gets rid of the early aggro pretty efficiently