Aggro Mulligans
Vs. Aggro Decks, you absolutely need to take advantage on the board and always keep it until the explosion of your opponent. Playing in the curve as much as you can is probably the best way to win this match-up.
Control Mulligans
Vs. Control Decks, you want to take the initiative, so pushing damage to the face early is usually correct. Just be sur to keep the board advantage, not to over-commit to the board and consider to life tap if you don't have a curve play to do.
- This deck is a classic Zoolock including Corpsetaker which allow us to cut Patches and his friends due to the proliferation of Golakka Crawler in the meta and also push a lot of damage or making value trades if there is no answer to this Corpsetaker.
- The deck is relatively cheap to craft besides the two legendaries making it an excellent deck to craft if new to the game or on a budget. The old-school powerhouses of Flame Imp and Doomguard are still around, but the inclusion of new cards in Prince Keleseth, Despicable Dreadlord, and Bloodreaver Gul’dan has given Zoolock the tools it needs to throw its weight around once again. Zoo is the textbook tempo deck, rewarding pilots for knowing when and how to best use their resources. Often mistaken for a Face deck thanks to its cheap, high-powered creatures, the real strength of Zoo is its ability to pivot into different roles depending on the situation. Knowing what line to take and when is key to success with this deck, and this guide is here to help you make the right call!
Is Vicious Fledgling mandatory or is it in the deck with hopes that an opportunity will occur and you can attack a hero with it? I have the cards but i was gonna -1 Fledgling and -1 Veteran for +1Dinomancer and +1 Defender of Argus
love this deck its so much fun. any replacement for storm watcher?
Since we run Corpsetaker it’s ok to have a minion with windfury
Stormwatcher is the best minion with wind fury actually, furthermore it feets good in this deck because of the curve.
Grook fu master could be a replacement but we already have 4 T5, i suggest you to craft it, it’s only 40 dust and it really improve Corpsetaker
I’m glad you enjoy playing this deck
What can you suggest in place of Malchezzars Imp?
Malchezaar’s Imp are a must have in this deck! It’s a key card which afford us to discard without loosing too much value, further more it’s a solid T1.
I suggest you to go with Mortal Coil or Possessed Villager in place of Malchezaar’s Imp
You can also run with Bloodsail Corsair X2 and Patches ( -1 Archerus Veteran) if you prefer
It is NOT required. I am playing without it right now and im doing very well.
What are you using instead of imp? :O I tried to make few option work but it won’t carry me through to legend, stuck at 9