A deathsure fact is: Warrior gets some really powerfull cards this expansion. But really unsure on the other hand is in which type of deck these cards will work. Will it be a controllish style deck with all the good defensive tools of the class and Dr. Boom (hero) as Dr. Value? Or will it be a midrangy type deck with a lot of mech-synergy in the midgame and the often underestimated core of midrange cards that Warrior has to offer (Battle Rage, Frothing,…)? Or will it even be an aggressive style deck with weapons and a lot of bombs?
I decided to go with a more midrangy version that can challenge faster decks on the board, that has good removal, armor gain, draw, value, a bit of bomb synegie for the Dr., – really a bit of anything. Reason is that I think the Mech Core (Dyn-O-Matic, Ziliax, Omega Devastator and both Dr. Booms) combined with the typical Warrior Core can do it all: stopping Aggro, out-tempoing Midrange and out-valueing control!
The deck is far away from being defined but I think it is a good starting point when the new expansion is rushing in and the meta will show what changes will be necessary.