Ramp up and drop deathrattles and taunts and try not to die. If you can survive till round 5 you have a pretty good chance to win. If you can line up Ixid behind a taunt or two, you can start getting duplicates of some fairly powerful cards. I have matched up pretty decently against most other control decks, you sometimes get burned by aggro decks if you can’t get some taunts up or gain enough armor to survive till the late game. You get 3 big turns if it goes that long, try to go Hadronox, N’zoth, and then Hadronox again. Warlock is the only real threat with that many mass board removals. It is easier than a person might think to pull it off.
With four 8 drops, you get really good value from silver vanguard, I have been really wanting to find something to make this card work.