Extremely Aggressive Wild Murloc Paladin, I currently have 1789 wins with this deck. Combos of Murloc Warleader, Gift of Luminance, and Gentle Megasaur can cause pushes of 10 attack Murlocs with windfury. On top of that Tip the scales can cause some Insanely powerful 1-turn Charge Pushes. The Murloc Knight Combined with Vilefin Lookout summons 4 Murlocs on turn 5. Murgurgle Prime only tops this deck off by summoning 6 random Murlocs with divine shield. I strongly encourage you to try this very fun and inexpensive deck.
I like the random typed number (1789) wins you have with this deck.I have 123456 number of wins with my highlanderpaldin deck in standart. xd