Demon Hunter have a lot of big minions with a lot of value per mana spent.
I wanted to make a deck that could take advantage of this.
It probably wont work in legendary range, but i’m thinking it could be good in gold and below at least.
I made the deck with what I had in my collection, so no Kayn f.ex.
The decks focus is to get past the early game with cheaper taunt minions, and get to the high value more expensive minions.
It is probably noticeable that there are none of these cards in the deck: Altruis the Outcast, Skull of Gul'dan or Twin Slice.
I don’t feel that they fit. There are no card for Altruis to really get value off. Twin Slice might fit to help early clear though.
Cards I was wondering if should be in the deck: Raging Felscreamer and Immolation
There is also only one Warglaives of Azzinoth, but two might be the right play. I dropped one for the Frozen Shadoweaver for some early stall.
So what do you think? Any suggestions for changes?
I took out the 2 Hulking Overfiend, and added 1 Twin Tyrant and 1 Raging Felscreamer.
I’m currently 6-1 with it in gold, so so far it works on lower levels as hoped.