General Mulligans
Keeping Book of Spectres will ensure you can draw many cards early. Keeping Conjurer's Calling ensures it won't accidentally get discarded by Book of Spectres.
Builds your hand fast using Book of Specters and Messenger Raven.
Doomsayer and Hero Power for early game defense, then start pumping out threats with Twilight Drake, Mountain Giant, and other Hand-based cards.
Conjurer’s Calling can be used in varying situations. Use it to “heal up” and clone a Mountain Giant. Use it to “Evolve” a battlecry minion (Voodoo Doll, Meteorologist, Rabble Bouncer).
Khadgar is here for Astromancer and Conjurer’s Calling. You can have 4 Mountain Giants Turn 5.
Barista Lynchen, Blast Wave, and Malacrass provide late-game value if needed.