Big Death Ramp Druid

Class: Druid - Format: wolf - Type: ramp - Season: season-111 - Style: ladder

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The idea with this deck will is to try to control the early game with small minions. Use witchwood apple, Audio Amplifier, natural causes, plot of sin, fanboy, and power of the wild. You dont really want to use fanboy in the early game unless necessary. Fan boy will be helpful to provide lifesteal late game but can be useful in the early game to provide 2 damage and rush. If you can infuse plot of sin, try to do that but dont shy away from using it early to summon 2 2/2’s.

Always try to ramp mana as early as possible. 

Turn 5 is when this deck really gets rolling. If you have nourish, you will always want to try to ramp mana. If you have Death Blossom Whomper or Summer Flower Child, use your best judgement to decide against ramping. There are no bad deathrattles that you can get from Death Blossom. The sooner you can get this out the better. If you happen to get the infectious ghoul deathrattle on Death Blossom, you are setting up for a massive mid game. I often win games with just Infectious ghoul. Just be sure to have another minion out with the infectious ghoul deathrattle. If you can use hedge maze with the infectious ghoul deathrattle, you will be feeling good. 

Mish Mash Mosher and Attorney at Maw is a tried and true combo. It will clear any board. Pair that wth Fanboy and you can clear the board and restore your health up to 35. You may be thinking: “but that combo will cost 12 mana.” That is true but, you can pull out Mish Mash Mosher on turn 6 with flesh behemoth deathrattle. You can also get a 0 cost mish mash mosher from Sesselie of the Fae Court OR you can pull a 7 cost mish mash mosher from summer flower child finale. The chances for a massive mish mash combo is very high. 

The last thing to talk about is Death Beetle. Once you reach 11 mana from Audio amplifier, you now have a 10/10 charge minion with taunt… for 6 mana. Dont shy away from playing it without 11 mana, it is still a 6/6 minion with taunt. The combo between this card and elder nadox is lethal. With 11 mana you will be able to smack your opponent for 10 damage and give all your minions +10 attack with Elder Nadox. This paird with Rhythm and Roots, Infectious Ghoul, and Plot of sin makes for a truly deadly combo. 

I am currently 15-7 with this deck and at rank Gold 1. I beat out all the best decks right now. Including pure paladin. I really think I found a deck that can be meta. Give it 10 games. If you dont have a positive win rate, you can give me a thumbs down.  

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