Big bois and spells

Class: Warrior - Format: phoenix - Type: midrange - Season: season-76 - Style: theorycraft

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Obviously depending on matchup, but cheap early game removals and card draw should be good! 

I really want to make Rattlegore work. I know it’s not gonna be meta, but I really want a deck I can climb with. A bunch of cheaper spells + weapon to control board and draw cards. Commencement will pull either Rattlegore or Deathwing, either way it seems like a good result. 

Obviously it has its drawbacks (some I can think of myself, drawing your minions before Commencement for example), but if anyone has any idea on how to improve it I gladly accept input πŸ™‚ 

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  1. TwoSuns1124
    July 31, 2020 at 8:10 AM

    If you removed a couple spells (probably Boom Squad, Cleave, In Formation!) and replaced them with two or three high-cost minions, it would increase the consistency of Commencement and greatly improve the success of the deck. The new card, Troublemaker, seems very promising to me, and Scrapyard Colossus fits very nicely into BIG Warrior-style play. Even adding a Dimensional Ripper for a late-game finisher could help a lot (imagine two Rattlegores!).
    As someone who loves BIG Warrior, I love fun deck lists like this one.

    • Chookey - Author
      August 1, 2020 at 2:32 PM

      Thanks for the tips, I’m going to experiment with it πŸ™‚ My thoughts about those cards was that the meta has been tempo-oriented, and I wanted more answers for early game. But yeah, troublemaker needs a spot for sure, forgot about that one!
      I need to find place for dimensional ripper as well, going to have to try a few lists when expansion launches πŸ™‚
      Yeah me too, have tried to make it work but not been able to in AoO. Got any other decks you want to try in scholomance?

      • TwoSuns1124
        August 1, 2020 at 4:39 PM

        I totally understand that BIG Warrior’s greatest downfall is it’s failure to answer early-game swings.
        I can’t tell you how many of my games have ended because of a sticky minion that I just couldn’t kill.

        I’m personally looking forward to all the new Shaman toys we’re getting this expansion. With Spell Shaman being one of my favourite decks atm, I was stoked to see so many new value-oriented cards being printed. How about yourself? What other decks / classes are you excited to paly?

        • Chookey - Author
          August 2, 2020 at 3:47 PM

          Yeah, maybe it’s something I’ll have to sacrifice to get dependable late game πŸ™‚ It sucks but it also makes it fun – having to think about strengths and weaknesses.

          I don’t have a lot of experience with spell shaman, but I like trying new decks πŸ™‚ I really want to make pure paladin work, so will play that a lot

          • TwoSuns1124
            August 3, 2020 at 8:16 AM

            I was playing Pure Libram Paladin before it was buffed to top tier, so I can appreciate Pure Pally players. The play style is just so fun, in my opinion.
            I hope they print similar cards for other classes, as it requires more deck building strategy with no Neutral cards, but I don’t think that’ll happen.

          • TwoSuns1124
            August 11, 2020 at 9:28 AM

            How have you been enjoying this expansion so far? Gotten to play some BIG Warrior yet?

        • Chookey - Author
          August 12, 2020 at 2:52 AM

          Sorry, can’t reply to your latest comment…

          Yeah I played a deck that was a bit different to this one (lost the boom squad and cutting class, added trouble maker and scrapyard colossus to name a few changes) and got it to diamond 5 where I got stopped dead in my tracks πŸ™‚ How about you?