Trying out a different take on the combo priest decks that have been featuring eternal servitude with grizzlies(shout out to pro player Haze – great twitch stream to watch for combo priest content!!!).
I am playing with taking out the tar creepers that are typical and added in King Mukla and a single copy of Bittertide hydra. Both cards are great at creating early board pressure that your opponent must answer, typically with single target removal or multiple minions. Exhausting removal on these beasts is a great way to ensure that a other buffed minions will survive on board.
I also took out the two copies of acolyte of pain. It is really good card no doubt, but I feel like I can draw quite well with the cleric\pyro\circle combo or even just cleric\circle. In pain’s place, I swapped in two copies of stonehill defender for refueling my hand with high health taunts with effects that could help us.
These beasts do catch alot of people off guard. No one is expecting them!