Aggro Mulligans
You want to mulligan for Voidwalker, Hellfire, and Mortal coil for the aggro matchups.
Aggro is not ideal for this deck, as it is built to beat control matchups in fatigue.
Midrange Mulligans
Against midrange you are going to want hard removal for their big and wide boards. These cards are the best at removing them, but you still want to draw your voidwalkers and draw tools early also.
Control Mulligans
These are the key cards to your combo, and you want to mulligan hard for them.
Betrug and plot twist are your Reno jackson combo as well as a board clear in most every situation.
Plot twist and elek with another plot twist in hand lets you go infinite.
Concept for a plot twist deck.
The goal is to survive long with your control aspects then in the late game plot twist with betrug on board in order to draw your healing cards. Archmage and augmented elek is a dream combo with 2 plot twist in hand. This deck can go infinite and will win any fatigue matchup.