General Mulligans
Get draw, Frothings and Gurubashis, as well as your minion damage cards.
Aggro Mulligans
AoE clears, armor, and Frothing to benefit. Weapons Project to give your opponent a poor weapon they can't use to the best of their ability.
Control Mulligans
You want the combo on curve. It's not often a control opponent will be able to clear a board before turn 5, and on turn 5 your combo kills them.
Use Dyn-O-Matic, Blood Razor, and Loose Specimen to deal a lot of damage to your minions. Use Weapons Project with Harrison to gain 6 armor, equip a 2/3 weapon, play a 5/4, and draw 3 cards for 7 mana, like a mini UI. Use Gurubashi and Frothing with your minion damage to go crazy. Rotface can summon 5 legendaries. Draw a bunch of cards with Slam, Battle Rage, and Acolyte Of Pain. Playing on curve Frothing on 3 coin Gurubashi on 4 Loose Specimen on 5 if all 6 damage hits your Gurubashi you’ve got an 8/4 and a 20/1, or even better, if one hits your Frothing instead, and then you break your blood razor you’ve got an 11/2 and 20/1 as long as your opponent didn’t have a way to deal with that. You can switch a card out for Blackhowl Gunspire as well for something more like an OTK.