Beginner Deck

Class: Mage - Format: dragon - Type: aggro - Season: season-68 - Style: budget

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Hi I made this deck so beginners like You can start easily playing Hearthstone.

This guide is made for beginners. Think you are never going to get enough dust or gold, think no more. Use this deck for easy grinding, at first it may seem hard but nothing comes without hard work.

Dust value is  0 so there should be no problem making this deck. When starting with this deck there are 2 easy ways to go forward with this deck.

For example: Standard Tempo Mage or Wild Elemental Mage.

But first things first. This deck is made to be as aggressive you can be.

Target only the enemy champion, if you have any obstacles let the spells do the talking.

And BOOM You win!

Raid Leader > Mana Wyrm 

Play Mana Wyrm and if it survives until your next turn, try to make it as big as You can and deal how much damage you can. This can possibly win a match for You.

Acidic Swamp Ooze  > Sorcerer's Apprentice 

Sorcerer’s Apprentice make’s your spells cheaper and is a good value for 2-mana 3/2 card.

Wolfrider > Babbling Book

Babbling Book gives you a heck of alot choices. They could end up very good or very bad depending on the situation.

Sen'jin Shieldmasta > Flamewaker

Flamewaker is another awesome card but play it with caution and if you have many 1-cost spells in your hand. 

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