General Mulligans
Ramp, then Untamed Beastmaster Psychmelon on 7 or 8. The next turn you can Oondasta so it's just perfect.
Aggro Mulligans
AoE stuff and targeted removal, also ramp and armor gain.
Control Mulligans
Get the combo, and put uncontested Tyrantus after uncontested Tyrantus on the board.
The play is to put down Beastmaster on mana 3, then Psychmelon mana 4 to draw a Direhorn, either a Devilsaur or Gloop Sprayer, Oondasta, and Tyrantus. When you play Oondasta it will pull one of these minions from your hand. It’s likely Oondasta will be the next to die, so then you just witching hour it back. When it pulls a devilsaur, you can cube naturalize it and make it into 21 face damage, or make more Tyrantus. If Oondasta survives that turn, you can play Gloop Sprayer between it and whatever it summoned, and keep overkilling.