The Basics
This deck wants to finish The Marsh Queen as early as possible using the new legendary Halazzi, the Lynx and then shuffle 30 raptors to your deck with Augmented Elekk and Queen Carnassa.
This deck also uses the massive draw power of Master's Call, as every single one of your minions is a beast. That (and Deathstalker Rexxar) means that you never run out of cards and get to complete your quest consistently before turn 8.
How to Win
The first thing you need do remember is that your scariest card is Scavenging Hyena. This card, along with lynxes and Revenge of the Wild can easily get to 18/10 and smorc for the victory.
Notice that Grievous Bite kill your own lynxes for lethal
There is always the massive Tundra Rhino charge turn, when you play 5 Carnassa's Brood and beat your opponent.
Deathstalker Rexxar is obviously a game-wining value card that generates Zombeasts for the rest of the game. This goes well in a deck that can get the early and mid game and just needs a little more value push.
If you don’t get Halazzi you can´t complete the quest… Even with master’s call there’s a chance you don’t discover Halazzi…
That’s true. However, you are very likely to draw Halazzi and even if you don’t this is a good midrange deck. Many of my wins were before I completed my quest (mostly with Hyena), so I can tell you than this deck is pretty consistent.
What if they have a big taunt or several taunts