General Mulligans
Mulligan is not something to stress over too much in this deck, unless playing against Aggro. You’re not really doing much in the first few turns so just dig for the powerful cards you’ll want later.
Aggro Mulligans
Against Aggro you’re looking for early game removal that works best for your matchup as well as skull to try stabilize with big demons.
One of my personal favorites of this post nerf witchwood meta is this take on Control Warlock, utilizing a lot of disruption cards like Howlfiend and Gnomeferatu. This offers a great alternate win conditions alongside being able to control the board incredibly efficiently with Warlock’s wide variety of removal. Don’t even worry about getting as many procks of Howlfiend as you can. Getting at least 3 is usually enough of a tempo swing and makes it very likely they discarded an imporyant card. Enjoy while the meta lasts!