General Mulligans
Pretty simple looking for early minions to play and Corpsetaker is good being probably the most powerful card in the deck. Matchup dependent of course
Aggro Mulligans
Depends on the matchup but many of these tools are good against various aggressive decks. I wouldn't recommend keeping pyromancer without equality however
Control Mulligans
Looking to get on board early for pressure and have a power turn 4 play in corpsetaker or b.o.k. (glass knight is good against a lot of matchups as well)
This is my personal take on a recurring archetype and my pick for one of the best laddering decks in the format, Even Paladin. This metagame is very interesting with aggro being rather weak allowing for combo decks to dominate. Because of the inherit nature of these decks, I believe a proactive deck is essential if you’re not trying to play combo mirrors all day. What makes Even Paladin and my version in particular so strong it allows you to play an aggressive proactive deck, while also being more favored against aggro decks simply by having cards like equality, spikeridged steed, corpsetaker, truesilver etc. That is why I have chosen to go a bit heavier in the two drop department just to ensure the consistency of the early game. Additionally, because some of the combo decks (ex. Druid or OTK Paladin) have such great late game survivability tools and this deck lacks natural card draw late game bombs like Tirion are much less important than getting ahead in the early game to allow you to finish the game before those powerful late game tools. I have played over 100 games with the deck (most in legend) with an above 65% winrate in those games. I hope you all will give it a try and may it also bring you success, and of course if you have any suggestions to improve the deck lmk below and I’ll check it out. Thanks and enjoy!