General Mulligans
These are pretty self-explanatory:
Arcanologist thins your deck and gets the secrets that you need to survive/
Doomsayer to stop early board threats.
Frostbolt to help you remove early problem minions.
Aggro Mulligans
Frost Nova is only a keep on the coin with Doomsayer
Control Mulligans
Against popular decks like Highlander Priest, you need to be able to draw into your late game finishers such as Alexstrasza, Archmage Antonidas, and Frost Lich Jaina. Alex is the most important of the 3 which is why I'd keep it in Control macthups.
Miss good old Freeze Mage? Currently climbing through Legend on NA. Really good against every aggro deck.
temporally replacement for legends??
what about ice lance its prety good for freeze mechanics
How about your winrate against Priest?
It’s 50/50. If you get to Alex/Toni by the time you have the mana to play them, they generally have a hard time removing them and you can just win the game that way.