Welcome everyone
Before the patch of WOTOG a few players where testing and playing Battlecry Mage “AKA Grinder, Control, Fatigue Mage” while it was a great deck on ladder it was later forgotten about. Here is a new Standard Battlecry Mage and having a lot of great luck with it due to all the zoo’s and aggro decks even control has a hard time against this deck because you grind them down to fatigue and have Elise Starseeker as a finisher. A few adjustments can be made but will fix them as I see them.
P.s This deck makes you think a ton and each move counts in these matches please be cautious.
Have fun Good luck on the ladder!
Update 1: July 2nd
- -Yogg +Anomalus
- -Fireball +Polymorph
- -Forbidden Flame +Justicar Trueheart
- -Cabalist’s Tome +Blizzard