Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-23 - Style: ladder

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basically keep the low cost stuff. you want options in the early game

This deck is creatable using only the basic cards. It works surprisingly well, for me up until rank 12. This deck is great for beginners because it has a heavy focus on making good trades and maintaining board control. it has a good mana curve that usually allows for a decent play every turn. in my opinion, this is the best deck one can create using only basic cards. Shaman is also a very strong class early on because of the hero power, which, in combination with buffs, can serve as great ways of creating board prescence. This deck has a big lack of taunts. I truly believe that, unless one is facing a heavy charge deck or an early aggression zoo, taunts are unnecessary and maintaining board advantage through good trades provides better safety. 

The OTK aspect of this deck helps teach the player calculations, when to “go for it” or when to hold off on unleashing that double Bloodlust rockbiter combo. I believe that, although comprised only of basic cards, every card in this deck provides good value for its cost.

Hero power hopefuls: Because this deck doesn’t have direct damage spells, your order of preference for hero power totems goes

                                                1. searing totem

                                                2. snakeskin totem

                                                3. healing totem

                                                4. wrath of air totem

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