The deck is high on dust; however, if your looking up a control style deck that has a high win rate on ladder because it destroys most meta aggro decks then this is the deck for you. Call to arms is slightly shown off in aggro but it truly shines as a defencive card, able to drop up to 13 health on the field with taunt. Mix That with the shear defensive power of just drawing any of the early game cards as well as the board clears provided by any combination of wild pyromancer equality and consecration and getting to late game is easy. When there two bone mares nzoth the litch king tyrian and ragnarose easily finish of your opponents. This deck is honestly easy to climb with because of the popularity of aggro decks in higher ranks. My win rate is easily 65% which is better than most decks out there. This is a hidden gem that also shows off your collection so try it out and have fun.
Barns deathrattle control paladin
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I played a similar list for a long time, I think this one is a little weak in Deathrattles but i don’t know what to add, you should also play the DK if you have it, instead of Lich King or Ragnaros even though these two are great with Barnes. Two copies of Spellbreaker is too much on my opinion, you should definitely add one or two weapon (I like to have one Truesilver Champion and one copy of the 3/2 weapon i forgot the name sry). Maybe Aldor Peacekeeper could be played in one copy instead of two Djinns but that’s a personal choice 🙂