BallsJuggler’s Everyfin’,CallinTheFinishers Face Shaman.(December,Season33)

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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Hi everyone. Had some fun yesterday with this deck. 14/5 (with 1 DC loss) Took me from rank 19 till rank 12. Was using 1 mana tide instead in first 3 matchups,but then I changed it with Earth Shock since I never had problems with drawing cards but I had problems with some Tounts that made me win 1-2 turns later. I was also using Hex but changed it too…3 mana too expensive… Very funny and it’s based on Everyfin Call in the finishers combo + bronzebeard +coldlight oracle does always good job especially against control decks…that by turn 5 when u have coin i can make them burn some cards like I did and burned Reno for a Warlock 😉 Freeze mage the deck to fear more…All the rest seems fun. Hope you someone will enjoy it as I did. Good luck to everyone and May RNG be with you! 😀

P.S: here’re some replays of me playing this deck.

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