Aggro Mulligans
clear the board.
Introduction to Quest Warrior
Quest Warrior is a Control-Warrior type, where you play defensive in the early game and slam your opponent with fireballs after completing the Quest. These 2 phases define the playstyle. I played it in Ungoro and it was really fun! Sadly, Quest Warrior didn’t get any fitting cards from Knight of the Frozen Throne and Kobolds n’ Catacombs.
Play Strategy
Like I said, there are 2 important phases with this deck:
- The 1st phase is where you try to complete the quest. During that phase you don’t want to lose too much board control. If you have the choice between using Reckless Flurry or Brawl always pick Reckless Flurry because after getting your new Heropower, it will be hard to get enough Armor to clear the board.
- The 2nd phase is where you damage your opponent. With your new Heropower, which deals 8 damage, you want to hit your opponent in the face as much as you can do. It also is very helpful for killing big minions. Your Taunt-Minions are now your health, which means that you also need to focus on not dying. With Baku the Mooneater you don’t have many options to heal yourself.
- Board Control is the key to win here. Don’t use your boardclears too early because you will need them in the 2nd phase.
- Your main strategy is to play Taunt-Minions. But don’t just throw them on the board if they don’t help you. Sometimes it’s better to save them for another moment or play them after using Reckless Flurry.
- After completing the quest, make sure to use your mana efficiently. Playing Sulfuras and the Ragnaros-Heropower costs you 5 mana. You can also use Tank Up! in that Turn as a last chance to heal yourself. Because all of this costs 7 mana, there is still 3 mana left to play a minion.
VS. Everything:
- Fiery War Axe is still a very good weapon for clearing small threats. To gain some boardcontrol in the earlygame you should keep it.
- Stonehill Defender is a powerful card. It gives you a good choice of cards and maybe even a 4-Drop to play on the following Turn.
- Acolyte of Pain is a good draw-engine and can be played with Whirlwind to get an extra card.
VS. Aggro:
- Reckless Flurry is an excellent card to play on Turn 5 with Tank up! . Dealing 4 damage to all minions helps you to clear an early board of the enemy.
- Tar Creeper is a solid wall against Aggro-Decks. A 3/5 Taunt is hard to remove and requires some minions to sacrafice.
- Witchwood Grizzly might be one of the best card we’ve ever seen against aggro, but you need stay alive until you can play it.
VS. Control:
- Shield Slam helps you dealing with big threats. Against Control, you will surely have enought armor to use it.
- Phantom Militia helps completing the quest. Reaching Turn 6 or even Turn 9 wont be a problem.
Featured Cards

- Phantom Militia is obviously a very good card for the Quest, but It’s mostly useless to play on turn 3. It helps well completing your quest because you can play it up to 3 times, which nearly is half the quest. You shouldn’t keep it in your opening hand, because you can get better cards instead.
- The Stats of Phantom Militia are not that good, but still very useful as a Taunt minion. I think about Stonehill Defender or Saronite Chain Gang, both of these cards are commonly seen in Standard-Decks. But because your quest is to play and not summon taunt minions, Phantom Militia is better than Saronite Chain Gang. Also you don’t need to wait until Turn 9 to play Phantom Militia. Playing it 2 times is still very useful for your quest.
To have some taunts in the early game, I put in cards like Stonehill Defender and Tar Creeper. As you can see this Deck features a lot of 3-Drops. This will help you to survive in the early game and with 6 3-Drop taunt minions, you will complete your quest soon enough.
- Witchwood Grizzly is a insanly good card against aggro decks, because they wont have many cards in there hand. Keep in mind that the Witchwood Grizzly loses Health, so it can’t be healed. It’s biggest counter is silence, because even though it might get it’s health back, a 3/12 minion wont help you much against aggro.
- Even against Control-Decks, it still helps you completing the quest.
The Upgraded Heropower is very usefull, because it gives you 4 extra Health and it helps you playing Shield Slam and Reckless Flurry. The diffrence of 2 and 4 armor is huge for Reckless Flurry. Many minions in Aggro-Decks got 3 Health and to clear them you only need 5 Mana and a single card. A big problem is the fact that Shield Block is the only oddcost card, which gives you instant armor.
This means, that Shield Slam and Reckless Flurry will not be very helpful after completing the quest, so you need to combo them with Shield Block.

- Baku the Mooneater is very much like Justicar Trueheart, but you don’t need to draw her to get your Heropower upgraded. Your Turn 2 play will be using your Heropower most of the time. You lose the upgraded Heropower when you play Sulfuras, but you don’t need to worry about surviving because of your Taunt-Minions and Shield Block. The only problem with Baku is that she’s not a good card to play, because she doesn’t impact the board and you can’t use your Heropower.
After you completed the quest, play Sulfuras as quick as possible. Your new Heropower will help you against big minions and you can chip your opponent down. Boardcontrol is the key to win. Reckless Flurry and Brawl help you out with that problem.
Card Substitutions
- Baku the Mooneater is just a fun aspect of this deck. You don’t need him, but if you don’t own him this deck is not a good idea to build it that way.
- Brawl is a very good boardclear. Since it’s a classic card, I recommend crafting it because it’s a safe craft and you can put it in every Control-Warrior you want.
- Shield Slam isn’t that good anymore. In most decks, Execute works way better because you don’t need armor to play it. Which means if you do not own Shield Slam, just put another removel card in your deck or fill it with Molten Blade.
- Reckless Flurry works pretty good with Tank Up!, but after changing your Heropower it’s pretty much useless. Still with Baku the Mooneater, it’s a good card for this year to own.
I have no idea if this deck will be good or if it’s trash. Either way I’m gonna try it out. If you have suggsestions to this deck, please let me know.
This decks leaks of drawing mechanics. I dont know if that justifies including acolites but I did in my version.
Also I think Elise its an autoinclude in this kind of decks that wins with value. The one I dont like in your deck is the rotten applebaum. I think you always want to put the grizzly or the direhorn in play instead of it. (5 health in turn 5 offen is not enough to stop some minions, i.e. draconide). Also you always can brawl or HP + reckless furry(1 more copy)
Thanks for the help. I put in 1 copy of reckless furry cause I only own 1 and I didn’t think I need more boardclears. I’m not sure about Elise tough (I also dont own here).