The idea of this deck is to ramp and buff your C'Thun with your C’Thun buff minions in the early and mid game whilst controlling the board and then use cards like Innervate, Emperor Thaurissan and Aviana in the late game to play a Brann Bronzebeard/C’Thun combo. Assuming you used all your buff minions, your C’Thun along with Brann Bronzebeard could be dealing a massive 40 damage!!
How to combo Brann Bronzebeard and C’Thun:
- If you have an Emperor Thaurissan and Aviana in hand you can play the Emperor Thaurissan to reduce your Aviana cost to 8 which allows you to play Aviana, Brann Bronzebeardand C’Thun on turn 10, or earlier with the coin and/or Innervate.
- You can play Brann Bronzebeard and/or Emperor Thaurissan if you manage to get a double Innervate or an Innervate and the coin to use with Aviana on turn 10.
- Emperor Thaurissan can be played if you have a Brann Bronzebeard or C’Thun, however if you can’t keep him in play for 2 turns you may still need an Innervate or coin for your combo later.
- And obviously you can play Brann Bronzebeard on turn 9 into C'Thun turn 10, but you won’t be able to guarantee the combo as Brann may die.