Artanis Hero Power Druid – Legend #10554

Class: Druid - Format: pegasus - Type: combo - Season: season-130 - Style: ladder

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Hit legend with this list in the waning hours of January. Deck’s pretty straightforward – Hit your opponent in the face until they die. 

Mull for Piper, Groovy Cat, Chrono Boost, and any and all draw you can find. Cactus Construct’s an okay enough pick as well.

Bob, MCT and the Astral Phasers are there to deal with big taunters that prevent you from hitting your opponent in the face. And Unkilliax.

Ideally, you’ll have the +4 to hero attack off of Groovy Cat and play Artanis on turn 5 after discounting it with Construct Pylons. Immediately after, ideally, you’d be able to hero power twice using sing-along buddy or popular pixie and swing for 20+ to the face. This deck can do surprising amounts of burst damage to the face if your opponent gets greedy or lazy and lets you keep minions on board.  

Best matchup for this deck is probably against Zerg DK (Zerg only has one taunt minions, and we don’t care too much about board with this deck), and any other deck that isn’t running a lot of taunt/freeze like Weapon Rogue. 

A lot of the other matchups are seriously dependent on draw, which is this deck’s real downside. If you don’t draw on curve with this deck you fizzle out before you get to do anything cool. 

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