Argent Paladin

Class: Paladin - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-37 - Style: ladder

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First real constructed deck.

The name “Argent” comes from the french for “Silver” to add must customized touch to this deck.

It is based on the synergy around the “Summon SIlver Hand recruits” thing. Tried my best to have this first version to be a bit zoo / midrange but still something fun and playable.

The new Un’Goro cards tend to build a such a deck, but the cards that can complete it are all wild now. I will create in the future a wild version of this deck.

As I am speaking (April 6th 2017) Un’Goro cards aren’t released yet, so I’m gonna test this very version you are watching in casual and re-arrange it if needed.

Useful cards according to me :

– the new weapon destroyer againt aggro, Warrior, Paladin, Rogue, Shaman or Hunter. It’s also a 3-cost 3/3 that can be good as a stand alone IMO. Gluttonous Ooze

– against small minions and efficient enough (in my experience) againt Jade or Pirate decks. It’s a card I put in my pseronal version of Jade Druid and is always a good draw. Stampeding Kodo

– summoners used in this standard version : Lost in the Jungle, Stand Against Darkness, Vinecleaver and of course Hero Power.

Abusive Sergeant, Steward of Darkshire, Sword of Justice,Defender of Argus, Lightfused Stegodon : minions and weapons that can buff or add bonuses to all those summoned 1/1 minions.

– I find Sunkeeper Tarim a good deal in this deck, if it is combo with one of the summoner spells, to have an 3/3 Silver Hand army . The best key in the combo here would be to have control of board with only recruits.

– I logically inserted Dinosize to give a recruit 10/10 as a finisher round. Could be very weak againt control decks if it is cast on a Silver Hand minion, so I will see if I keep it long enough to evaluate its efficiency.

Ragnaros, Lightlord as healer, because of the lack of heal spells in this deck, and Tirion Fordring as a bigger taunt to add some control in late game.

If one of you see this, feel free to help me build it better, and if by chance you had the same idea as me I would be happy to see and compare your version.

Still haven’t thought about the mulligan at this point. I suggest to keep the less cost cards in early game as any standard mulligan to start playing with this deck.

But I will try to update my guide and the deck ; and why not eventually making it a good deal in the meta.

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