Apxvoid’s Reno Mage (December 2016, Season 33)

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder - Meta Deck: Reno Mage

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  1. saanti
    December 29, 2016 at 10:25 PM

    just three 4-drops with two of them being removal? and the last one being kazakus which you’d often want to hold vs control.

    isnt the early game curve super inconsistent this way? its not like there are many 2-drops to make up for it. despite running water elemental+refreshment vendor myself, it happens quite frequently that i have a relatively weak/off-curve turn on 4.

  2. Nicobico
    December 28, 2016 at 11:36 AM

    Just wanted to make sure you knew that according to APXvoid he switched out mistress of mixtures for arcane blast. You can find the proof in the comments of his tweet.