I’ve found the deck functions better when you play acidic swamp ooze over amani, abd give up the slow lifedrinkers for another keysmith and a polymorph 🙂 decks great, very fun to play
mb he was only facing shudderwock, apx reads the meta man, when not this he plays elemental mid range, aggro murloc or when nothing works he plays control.
…Zoo is a really easy target for this deck. Warlocks have to destroy their health bar to play Flame Imps and Librarians, as well as use their Life Tap. Explosive Runes kills their snowball minions while burning face. As someone who regularly plays Zoo at ranks 1 and 2, I can easily say Face Mage wins many games by getting 2-3 hits in with Mana Wyrm and Kin Tor Mage, then ends the game 2 turns later with Fireballs and Frostbolts. It’s very one sided.
As much as I wish I could agree Zoo is pretty heavily favored. Obv if u absolutely highroll the Tempo mage can win, but overall being someone who has played a ton of tempo mage over the years I can easily say its a bad matchup. HSReplay also has it favored at 70% winrate for zoolock vs Tempo mage at 5-Legend.
What rank was he at when he played this deck to legend? This deck is impossible to win with if you don’t draw Aluneth. The burn damage doesn’t even phase Druid. Just don’t see how you can constantly with this deck on ladder.
Don’t necessarily. Against aggro is probably that this match finish before that you can use Aluneth and against control if you already have cards in hand (sometimes happen), you could want be proactive and not give a free turn to the rival
I’ve found the deck functions better when you play acidic swamp ooze over amani, abd give up the slow lifedrinkers for another keysmith and a polymorph 🙂 decks great, very fun to play
mb he was only facing shudderwock, apx reads the meta man, when not this he plays elemental mid range, aggro murloc or when nothing works he plays control.
It’s impossible to reach legend with this deck (can’t beat druid nor zoo). He plays the deck only few games (as always with its decks)
…Zoo is a really easy target for this deck. Warlocks have to destroy their health bar to play Flame Imps and Librarians, as well as use their Life Tap. Explosive Runes kills their snowball minions while burning face. As someone who regularly plays Zoo at ranks 1 and 2, I can easily say Face Mage wins many games by getting 2-3 hits in with Mana Wyrm and Kin Tor Mage, then ends the game 2 turns later with Fireballs and Frostbolts. It’s very one sided.
As much as I wish I could agree Zoo is pretty heavily favored. Obv if u absolutely highroll the Tempo mage can win, but overall being someone who has played a ton of tempo mage over the years I can easily say its a bad matchup. HSReplay also has it favored at 70% winrate for zoolock vs Tempo mage at 5-Legend.
Zoo warlock main here, can confirm mages are a pain in the ass
What rank was he at when he played this deck to legend? This deck is impossible to win with if you don’t draw Aluneth. The burn damage doesn’t even phase Druid. Just don’t see how you can constantly with this deck on ladder.
He was 149 rank I guess. Aluneth help a lot, but isn’t need :v
What? Aluneth is an absolute must. Without it the deck will crumble…
Don’t necessarily. Against aggro is probably that this match finish before that you can use Aluneth and against control if you already have cards in hand (sometimes happen), you could want be proactive and not give a free turn to the rival
Hate it , so easy to get behind curve . #1 legend with THIS ?!?! ?