Amnesiac finished (likely) top 10 Legend with this Aggro Jade Shaman!
Amnesiac finished (likely) top 10 Legend with this Aggro Jade Shaman!
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What can i use instead of Bloodmage Thalnos, doesnt have him
Kobold Geomancer would work.
Are there any other cards I can use instead of Sir Finley?
You could throw in a Doomhammer.
Is patches really necessary? I have everything else just don’t wanna splurge on patches.
Yes, especially if you want to play other things like Pirate Warrior or Miracle Rogue.
So patches is an amazing card in that it will really set a pace for you. It thins out your deck by 1 card, basically your playing a 29 card deck rather than a 30 card deck which is really important in the aggro meta (you get to the cards you want faster by 1 card, which is all the difference). It’s not one of those “must craft now” cards…if you have the dust and want it go for it, but cards like ragnaros, blood mage, sylvanas are a higher priority legend to craft (1. They are classic legends so they will be around for a while, 2. They play in many decks, this one included) I’d switch it with an ardent squire or abusive Sargent until you open one/craft one
It’s alright.
This deck is good 🙂