It probably wouldn’t fit well in this deck but every time I see Bloodworm I want to try to fit Bonemare into the same deck. The combo would just be nuts if you get the bloodworm to stick. Or if you can put the +4/+4 on a lifesteal corpsetaker. Especially for Warlock who needs all the healing it can get.
I’ve always thought lifesteal is powerful and if it can work in a Warlock deck, it’d be great. That’s why I usually run Prince Valanar in handlock. Many decks are a lot more powerful in the right hands. I’ve played a lot of this game but still when I watch pro players, I frequently am shocked by the moves they sometimes make!
He is playing it at the moment ranking. Nice deck.
It probably wouldn’t fit well in this deck but every time I see Bloodworm I want to try to fit Bonemare into the same deck. The combo would just be nuts if you get the bloodworm to stick. Or if you can put the +4/+4 on a lifesteal corpsetaker. Especially for Warlock who needs all the healing it can get.
would there be some tech cards to go against Rogue/hunter? build seems very cool
This got to legend? Well that’s interesting…
Everything that has 51% + Winrate gets to Legend, given enough time. I’m pretty sure that Amnesiac had it.
Moreover, ‘Legend …’ could theoretically mean that he played it at legend ranks, not that he laddered with it.
No he got legend with it, he posted the stats on his twitter.
51% doesn’t “really” get to legend cuz you get 1 star per 100 games from rank 5 to legend
I’ve always thought lifesteal is powerful and if it can work in a Warlock deck, it’d be great. That’s why I usually run Prince Valanar in handlock. Many decks are a lot more powerful in the right hands. I’ve played a lot of this game but still when I watch pro players, I frequently am shocked by the moves they sometimes make!
51% gets you 2 stars per 100 games from rank 5 to legend