If you’re looking to have some fun, but still play a reasonably solid deck then this might be for you. It contains quite a few cards from the new Whispers of the Old Gods expansion, Forbidden Flame, Cult Sorcerer, Cabalist's Tome, Faceless Summoner, and the bringer of doom himself: Yogg-Saron, Hope's End. The deck has a lot of spell synergy, and Flamewaker is still a very solid card. If you’re behind in the late game, you can attempt to roll the dice with a big Yogg-Saron turn that might reverse your fortune!
- Don’t forget if you’re going to buy Whispers of the Old Gods packs use Amazon Coins to save money!
Update 2: -2 Forbidden Flame, -2 Forgotten Torch, -1 Emperor Thaurissan, -2 Faceless Summoner, +1 Arcane Intellect, +1 Polymorph, +2 Water Elemental, +2 Ethereal Conjurer, +1 Flamestrike
Update: +2 Arcane Blast, +1 Arcane Intellect, +1 Cabalist's Tome, -1 Polymorph, -2 Ethereal Conjurer, -1 Flamestrike
hi, I already have face hunter and tempo mage, the ragnaros one, which would be best next: midrange hunter or yogg saron tempo mage, thanks
I personally like Midrange Hunter against all the Warrior on the ladder.
Replacement for arcane blast?
Replacement for Ethereal Conjurers ?
Faceless Summoner.
Replacement for Yogg-Saron? Kappa
Is Antonidas really needed for this deck? I thought it is considered “too slow” for this meta.
Also, I was just wondering, if Evident is actually a group of people and not just one. ‘Cause he replies to everyone’s comments.
I’m just one person, I wish it was a group! I’d say it was optional, but even APXVoid who is an expert on Tempo Mage runs it in his list: http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/apxvoids-tempo-mage-standard-may-2016/
The deck works great, I finally switched Yogg for Ragnaros… I got another golden legendary from 2 victories arena… so legendary by my choice.
I got to level 9 and keep on climbing up. I only prefer blizzard to flamestrike. Mostly I have problems with aggro decks, so 1 turn earlier makes the difference… or I need to stall the game for final push and blizzard can stop big threats for one turn…
And also there was no 6 mana card…
doesnt have much aoe clearance though and will lose very badly to aggro decks without flamewaker combos
I tried several times and I think it’s weak… You got killed by every decks. Flame strike is required here.
I have got rhonin and maly running aswell with 2xarcblast for late game removal and missile spam maybe an idea?
So is this like a midrange Mage? i was thinking of making a deck like this but could I make it more of a fatigue or control Mage by adding scarabs,doomsayers and ethereal conjurers maybe even a polymorph to deal with dr.4 and some extra heal with cult apothecary pretty much I’m asking whether I can make a deck like this but with more of a controlling/fatigue theme to it? I’m asking it here because it contains a lot of the cards I’d wanna use in one and I want a crazy amount of spells so I can have the ultimate dream of 3 pyro blasts to the face any fee back would be appreciated
Replacement for second forbidden flame and second arcan blast?
Polymorph and Cone of Cold maybe? Not a lot of great spell options. You could also consider Flamestrike.
Flamestrike blizzard
Cult Sorcerer without C’thun ? Interesting.
2 mana and you get a 3/2 with spell damage…. Quite nice! Better than Kobold minion.
flamewalker replacement ?
Maybe Demented Frostcaller? Probably not really replaceable.
Dont tell people they should play Demented Frostcaller it’s the exact opposite of what you want in a tempo deck, a 4 mana 2/4 is just bad and the effect is not even half as good as Flamewaker…
I’d say Spellslinger is your best bet but the card is kinda random (it has seen some play tho) and you lose a lot of synergy (which is one of the big reasons why you play tempo mage)
This deck is barely a tempo deck anymore. Cabalist Tome and Forgotten Torch aren’t tempo cards, and Demented Frostcaller can lock down the board in the late game. Spellslinger might be a better replacement. I already said Flamewaker is probably not replaceable.
Flamewaker, he isnt walking on flames
replacement for forbidden flame and cabalist’s tome
Ethereal Conjurer, Flamestrike, and/or Polymorph.
I’ve never enjoyed Tempo mage ever since it become a thing after Blackrock mountain, but I enjoy playing this deck. Forbidden flame is a great temp removal spell and Cabalist Tome really adds a fun factor mid game by giving you all sorts of random stuff.
It’s almost bizarre how good it is. Yogg is best when you’re ahead on life but behind on board. This deck seems to bring about that situation fairly regularly during the late game which means Yogg is always poised to do the maximum good he can do. (unless he decided to just target your face with every damaging spell)
How to replace FlameWaker ?
Demented Frostcaller, but probably not replaceable.
0-3 so far, i could only survived once to pick yog-saron, and he decided to cast some preparation, buff to enemy minions and 1-2 hunter secret for me. Didnt even killed single enemy minion or damage enemy hero 1 damage.
what would you cut yogg-saron for in competitive lists?
Ragnaros probably.
No idea, maybe a Mirror Image? Just because it’s a spell. I would subsitute one for that and one for something low-curve.. maybe another 2-drop like loot-hoarder..
Great list. On a winstreak from 16-6 at the moment. Thanks
a good replace to forbidden flame?
I’m really not sure on this one, anyone have ideas?
A new deck. Forbidden flame is too good.
replacement for a second cabilist’s tome?
Ethereal Conjurer.
why is cult sorcerer in this deck?
It’s a 3/2 for 2 cost with spell damage +1. Yes it can buff Cthun which you don’t have but overall it’s a strong card for Mage.
Arcane Blast.
Good deck, but gets overwhelmed by aggro shaman
Just used this deck to beat Aggro Shaman.
So far has been useless once and cost me the game the other time. It discarded my hand with Astral Communion, Naturilized itself and then divine favoured me into Fatigue Death. xD
Yogg-Saron games that I’ve been in thus far have been pretty mixed results for the player with Yogg-Saron.
His random targetting can really hurt you when you are low and life and hoping to get a game-changer.
I’ve seem him Twisting Nether in multiple games and randomly blast the friendly hero and friendly minions. The only thing he has going for him is that slightly more spells only allow you to target the enemy.
It is fun to watch though, like a demolishin’ derby when you’re in one of the cars.
Yogg is best when you have more health than the enemy but he has cleared your board (but has a board on his own). Then USUALLY rng should be on your side.
Basically. Yogg is best when you’re ahead on life but behind on board. (Which actually is a fairly likely scenario with this deck)
There are a lot of neutral “benefit you” spells that don’t target anything in particular which is the sole reason that Yogg averages out to be more good than bad.
Is there a decent replacement for archmage?
Rhonin, Pyroblast, or an Ethereal Conjurer could work.
Is there a card I could use instead of forgotten torch?
Arcane Blast is one option, or you could try Arcane Intellect.