i mean… the deck is actually really good.. if you’re saying its super trash there are only three possibilities i can see..
1. you’ve been extremely unfortunate
2. You aren’t skilled enough to use the deck
3. you are hating on the deck because its an “Amaz” deck and you’re one of the people who trolls the internet attempting to deface anything to do with the person(s) of your disdain
now, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it’s the first reason saying this game IS highly luck of the draw oriented. my only advice in that situation is to just to keep plowing through the misfortune until rnjesus starts to favor you again.
this deck seems OP, my problem is that i only have enough dust to make one new deck, i’m torn between jade elemental shaman or this one. which one should i make?
I’ve played about 20+ matches now and I have a 90% win rate. The only deck I have been losing to is Aggro decks, if i’m not able to curve out well enough to reach the quest I just get shut down by face beaters. against aggro decks you should just try and reach that quest asap as it will attain a reno effect (with the extra 10 hour) with an 8/8 taunt. I’ve vsed a alot of taunt warriors and you should win the late game if you efficiently use their brawls and attain good cards from shade and oracle. take advantage of how much this deck can swarm and utilise your cards efficiently.
Eggs are real good against other control decks, free 5/5s after a moderate board wipe. Plus it’s a deathrattle minion that your opponent won’t want to kill, making Mirage caller better for completing the quest in the early turns. Also, it curves well into Tortollan Shellraiser – which will let the egg break itself as long as it receives the buff.
Yeah, me too. Switching new Elise for one Greater Healing Potion would be a safe bet. Although i’ve preferred to switch Elise with Twilight Summoner instead.
This deck is SUPER trash.
use it If you feels like lose
i mean… the deck is actually really good.. if you’re saying its super trash there are only three possibilities i can see..
1. you’ve been extremely unfortunate
2. You aren’t skilled enough to use the deck
3. you are hating on the deck because its an “Amaz” deck and you’re one of the people who trolls the internet attempting to deface anything to do with the person(s) of your disdain
now, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it’s the first reason saying this game IS highly luck of the draw oriented. my only advice in that situation is to just to keep plowing through the misfortune until rnjesus starts to favor you again.
Does anyone have a good deathrattle deck? I got n’zoth in a pack and I got lots of dust and Sylvanas and all that kind of stuff
I mean…. If you think this one is bad
Not sure why this deck got so many votes either. It’s absolutely useless vs aggro.
Here’s one that works. Feel free to sub your ideas in.
this deck is god awful
this deck seems OP, my problem is that i only have enough dust to make one new deck, i’m torn between jade elemental shaman or this one. which one should i make?
Craft both legendaries, then sub out the rest that you don’t have. It’s worked well for me anyway.
I’ve played about 20+ matches now and I have a 90% win rate. The only deck I have been losing to is Aggro decks, if i’m not able to curve out well enough to reach the quest I just get shut down by face beaters. against aggro decks you should just try and reach that quest asap as it will attain a reno effect (with the extra 10 hour) with an 8/8 taunt. I’ve vsed a alot of taunt warriors and you should win the late game if you efficiently use their brawls and attain good cards from shade and oracle. take advantage of how much this deck can swarm and utilise your cards efficiently.
Very nice
Replacements for elise and umbra? Dont wanna spend 3.2k dust for useless cards
Useless cards? They seem like great cards that will be a staple in many decks throughout the expansion.
Dont try this deck… It sucksssss
Why devilsaur egg? Just to combo with mirage caller and spiritsinger or there is something else?
Eggs are real good against other control decks, free 5/5s after a moderate board wipe. Plus it’s a deathrattle minion that your opponent won’t want to kill, making Mirage caller better for completing the quest in the early turns. Also, it curves well into Tortollan Shellraiser – which will let the egg break itself as long as it receives the buff.
Except basically every deck should be techin against Aggro Pirate Warrior.. lol
Dude with this deck, I always lose vs aggro pirate warrior, help please
Yeah, me too. Switching new Elise for one Greater Healing Potion would be a safe bet. Although i’ve preferred to switch Elise with Twilight Summoner instead.
Remove Egg or Elemental, add Mistress of Mixtures. Tar Creeper also looks fine as a counter to aggro decks.
take ooze
Ooooo, interesting!