The reintroduction of Brann has allowed Malygos Druid lovers to rejoice!
The OTK is as follows:
Reach 20 mana with Gruff
-Play Brann, placing you at 17 Mana
-Alexstraza your opponent for 16 dmg, now at 8 Mana
-Green Thumb Gardener with a 6-7 cost spell in your hand, placing you at 14 mana (Gardnerer would put you at 2, but with double battlecry you get double the mana gain)
-Zola Alex, now at 11 Mana
-Alex again for an additional 16 damage
=32 dmg
The deck is capable of dealing more than 32 dmg, as you can obtain copies of Brann/Alex/Gardnerer with Moonlight Guidance.