This deck is from Blizzard’s Off-Meta Spotlight #2, here’s what they had to say about it:
Lastly, we have a newer take on an old favorite. . . Miracle Rogue! Aiversons took this version of Rogue and piloted it to high legend with an outstanding 74%(!) winrate on the EU ladder.
Here are the other two decks:
How crucial is Edwin for this list, if not very, are there any decent replacements?
It’s a good thing to have Edwin because he fits in nearly every rogue deck and can give you a huge advantage, especially early game but he is not by any means essential. One good replacement in any deck would be questing adventurer but as an earlier comment states a SI:7 Agent would work really well here, but you can probably switch it with nearly anything you feel is missing.
Any ideas for patches replacement? or is it completely unplayable without him?
Play Fire Fly instead of Patches for activating the combo abilities or play SI: 7 Agent as early removal / anti aggro tool
I m wondering but to not play SI agent the high legend meta should be super slow. I dont know if its a good idea to give them up in the ladder.
With Thalnos and Slayer in the deck they are less important. Both make for great temporemoval until the value kicks in.
Made legend with this exact list with around 70% winrate from rank 5. I met only like 3 hunters, 2 zoolocks and 3 aggro druids, tho and was mostly farming priests of all ilk. Therefore i didn’t miss the SIs at all.
Dunno if the guy is from asia, but this deck he played on EU. And double Shiv is standard since Casie brought up the first good list of this kind 1 month ago.
Interesting that these Asia players love to run double Shiv