Aggro Paladin is a deck that has existed in the past but was never top tier. Now, however, the deck seems to be replacing Face Hunter as the premiere go to your face deck. The deck utilizes low cost minions to get fast damage and an empty hand to take advantage of Divine Favor. Paladin has strong buff spells like Blessing of Might and Blessing of Kings which will punish the opponent if any minion is left on board. Truesilver Champion gets in heavy damage, while Ironbeak Owl clears taunt minions for more face access.
Aggro Paladin Tech Cards
Leeroy Jenkins can be added for better ability to finish but can be a liability for Divine Favor. Worgen Infiltrator and Annoy-o-Tron share duties depending on if you’re playing a lot of aggro yourself or if you want to get in a bit more guaranteed damage.
This deck is shit i got only 15 rank
-2 argent +annoy-o-tron and leeroy;
– concentration + avenging wrath
-argus + 2nd arcane golem, -annoy-o-tron +leeroy = ez legend 😀