So what you are basically saying should be done with freeze against murloc paladin, is exactly the same you do to every other Deck when playing freeze, considering yourself as a Main of a certain decktype is pretty confusing, “maining” a Decktype cant be done cause the meta shifts ^^
What is the best way to tackle freeze mage?
Seems u play any deck with many small minion synergies ur fucked… Like, any shaman deck murlock deck etc… I honestly hope and feel they need to nerf it…
Imagine a chess game where one guy wins because he glued the opponents minions to the chessboard. It’s outright stupid…
I totally disagree. I am a freeze mage main myself and personally I don’t find murloc paladins hard at all. In fact, they are rather easy to just stall out with doomsayer and other boardclears until you are able to simply burn them out in two turns using alexs. and spells or just burn them with archmage antonidas.
So what you are basically saying should be done with freeze against murloc paladin, is exactly the same you do to every other Deck when playing freeze, considering yourself as a Main of a certain decktype is pretty confusing, “maining” a Decktype cant be done cause the meta shifts ^^
What is the best way to tackle freeze mage?
Seems u play any deck with many small minion synergies ur fucked… Like, any shaman deck murlock deck etc… I honestly hope and feel they need to nerf it…
Imagine a chess game where one guy wins because he glued the opponents minions to the chessboard. It’s outright stupid…
So, is this deck still strong?
Iv’e seen another version that replace Tarim with Tirion, is that an ok option?
Its good against freeze mage sometimes cuz of divine favor.
I totally disagree. I am a freeze mage main myself and personally I don’t find murloc paladins hard at all. In fact, they are rather easy to just stall out with doomsayer and other boardclears until you are able to simply burn them out in two turns using alexs. and spells or just burn them with archmage antonidas.