Aggro Highlander Demon Hunter

Class: Demon Hunter - Format: dragon - Type: aggro - Season: season-73 - Style: theorycraft

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You need to get out on the board quickly so Battlefiend, Ur'zul and Slayer all work as great turn 1 drops. Sightless Watcher and Umberwing help to set up following turns and are great 2 drops. As long as you have a 1 drop and a 2 drop in hand you should be fine. It wouldn't hurt to add a draw card as well to add resources in the midgame. 

There are so many good demon hunter cards that I figured one could make a Highlander deck out of them. This deck was made to be extremely aggressive so the hardest thing to accomplish is card draw so I made sure to include Chaos Strike, Feast of Souls, Spectral Sight and Skull of Gul’dan. Since most of these cards will be cycle cards it should be fairly easy to activate the Outcast requirements of Consume Magic and Crimson Sigil Runner as well. You should be able to finish the game early but if you need some extra punch at the end then Priestess of Fury, Inner Demon and Dragonqueen Alexstraza should be more than enough to carry you to victory, not to forget Metamorphosis. 

Some people may ask, why make it a highlander deck, couldn’t this just be good as an aggro deck? They wouldn’t be wrong but there are so many good aggro cards that it wouldn’t matter and you get the added benefit of Zephrys and Dragonqueen in this deck. 

It may seem a little bit expensive so the essential legendaries are Zephrys, Dragonqueen and Metamorphosis. You get Altruis for free from the prologue and Kayn and Maiev are replacable with other midrange card if you do not want to craft them.


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