Hello my name is Mathelegna and I have been playing Hearthstone for more than a year now. Paladin has always been my favorite class, and with the new extension I made this Divine Shield orientated deck as I think this mechanic is useful against all types of matchups. I reached Rank 1 (4 stars) last season with it, but was not able to play much as I had exams. This deck is mainly about winning the board against aggro decks with your divine shields and get ahead of control decks, by limiting their damaging spells again with your divine shields. You basically need to empty your hand as fast as possible to be able to play the best Divine Favor possible.
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton : The best hero powers to have are : Hunter/Warlock/Mage/Druid.
- Crazed Alchemist : Very useful against control decks, not only for Doomsayer , but also to counter Bloodholf Brave , Druid of the Claw , or Imp Gang Boss .
- Knife Juggler : Remember that he always to be the first minion you play (unless if your opponent has Acolyte of Pain or Armorsmith ).
- Divine Favor : The most important card in the deck, used to recycle your hand against both aggro and control decks.
- Blood Knight : A situational card that will make you win a game out of five by having a 6/6 or a 9/9 on turn 3.
- Steward of Darkshire : A good turn 3 that needs to be played with other 1-health minions in hand. In your deck, it works with tokens, Abusive Sergeant , Selfless Hero , and twice with Bilefin Tidehunter .
- Leeroy Jenkins : Obviously a good finisher with Blessing of Might or Abusive Sergeant .
- You always want to empty your hand with this deck but remember to play in curve (a 3-mana card on turn 3 is often better than two 1-mana cards, unless you know you will play Divine Favor soon).
- Keep as much Divine Shields on board as possible, as it is huge when associated with Blessing of Might , Divine Strength , Rallying Blade or Blood Knight .
- If you are facing a lot of aggro decks, maybe consider switching the Crazed Alchemist into a Consecration .
- Lots of aggro decks can be faster than you (Shaman or Warrior), in those case remember to keep the board.
If you are missing some cards from this deck, you can add :
- Another Argent Protector.
- Another Blessing of Might
- Blessing of Kings?
- Avenging Wrath.
- Consecration .
- Leper Gnome or any “aggro” card.
- Any Charge card.
- Any Divine Shield card.
- Always keep your 1-mana and 2-mana minions.
- You can keep Argent Horserider if you have the Coin or a turn 1 and 2.
- You can keep or Blood Knight if you have Divine Shield 1 or 2 mana minions in hand.
- You can even keep Divine Favor or Truesilver Champion if you know you are against a control deck.
- Priest : Make sure your board is safe from any zone-spell by having many Divine Shields. Avoid his board and try to end the game before turn 7-8 or your opponent will outrange you. Kill his Auchenai Soulpriest immediatly though, face with weapons and get as much value possible from your Divine Favor , since you’ll probably only be able to play one before it is too late.
- Mage : Your opponent’s hero power counters your Divine Shields, so try to have a board too big for him to handle. Blood Knight and Steward of Darkshire may be your only outcomes against tempo mage, where your main target is obviously Flamewaker . Control the board against tempo mage, and kill your opponent before he can use his AOE against freeze mage (you also have Crazed Alchemist to keep your board alive longer).
- Druid : The only card that could counter you is Swipe . In other cases, you will usually be faster than your opponent to develop your board and damage his face. Truesilver Champion is huge against Druid. Your opponent will have trouble managing your divine-shielded board and keeping his health at the same time.
- Hunter : You usually are faster than him, but as soon as he gets the board control you will have trouble finishing the game. Do not let his beasts alive on his board.
- Paladin : Your weapons will be a huge advantage for board control. Remember your opponent will have Aldor Peacekeeper to deal with your Blood Knight and Consecration to deal with your minions : keep them alive with Divine Shields and well-sprayed buffs and you will easily win.
- Rogue : It will be hard for you to get board control because of his low-cost spells and his SI:7 Agent. After your opponent gets his Gadgetzan Auctioneer set up, it will be nearly impossible for you to win. Your Divine Favors and Steward if Darkshire are useless against Rogue: your only goal is to win before turn 6.
- Warlock : Winning the board against Zoo will be hard but you can manage it by smartly using your Divine Shields, and once you get there you will easily win. Against Handlock your Divine Favor will be worth, and you have to be super aggressive: remember to play around turn-4 Shadowflame and Hellfire , as well as turn-6 Reno Jackson or turn-8 Twisting Nether .
- Warrior : Your opponent’s whirls effects are hard for your board, but your divine shield counter his Shieldslam and Execute . Again, be aggressive and use your weapons, Divine Favor and Steward of Darkshire wisely. Remember to keep some minions in hand in case of a board clear or a Brawl .
- Shaman : Very hard matchup against all type of decks: aggro is faster than you, tempo/totem has more board control and control has many ways to deal with your board. Your only chance is to hope you’ll be faster than him in terms of facing and controling the board, that is why the mulligan phase is essential.
Finally, this deck is very fun and challenging to play well, I hope the community like it. Keep calm and don’t BM!
this deck, my friend, has ridiculous power and synergy between the cards, I waited for a agrro paladin deck since the new SWG collection started. Congradulations!
actually, i want to say more. it amazes me just how many games i win without taking any damage. seriously strong deck right here
thank you for this deck, was really struggling to hit any form this season and ive just gone from rank 19 to rank 10 losing only a hand full of times without even paying too much attention to what i was doing. great solid deck here