Aggressive Smorc Priest – Rastakhan’s Rumble – December

Class: Priest - Format: raven - Type: aggro - Season: season-57 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Theses are your two best early game minions, and having a Power Word: Shield to combo with them increases their survivability, increasing the amount of value you can get from them. 

Aggro Mulligans

Sometimes against aggro mirrors Sand Drudge can single handedly win you the game, keeping your Extra Arms buffed minions safely behind an annoying wall of 1/1 taunts. Auchenai Soulpriest can also be a powerful tool to clear out dangerous enemy minions. 

Midrange Mulligans

Against midrange decks Extra Arms will be your friend, keeping your minions alive while helping you eliminate their minions. Extra Arms is great to combo with Radiant Elemental, making it into a Blessing of Kings pretty much. 

Combo Mulligans

You want something to snowball the early game so you can follow up with lots of Arms and Mind Blasts, killing them before they can execute their combo. 

Control Mulligans

Lightwarden and Shadow Ascendant e are desirable in control match ups because they have the potential to snowball the game very hard in your favor. 

Take control of the board early with powerful minions like Shadow Ascendent and Sand Drudge to then burn your opponent down with Auchenai Soulpriest Regenerate andMind Blastss. This deck also happens to be very cheap to make, with only two epics, and Crystallizer being somewhat optional. 

Something of note is all of the great targets for Mirage Caller such as Lightwarden to get an extra 1/1 threat that grows, Northshire Cleric, to draw more, Radiant Elemental, to get an even further reduction in spell cost, allowing you to play tons of arms,  Shadow Ascendant, to get extra +1/+1 buffs at the end of turn, Sand Drudge, to make extra 1/1 taunts if you only have a couple spells in hand, and Cobalt Scalebane, giving you extra +3/+0 buffs at the end of your turn. 

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