After some time futzing around on the ladder with various Rogue builds (to rather lackluster success). I was able to craft a strong versatile deck that really exemplified the strengths of the rogue class. With the tools provided, we are able to create a strong lasting board presence while consistently controlling the tempo of the game by playing high value death rattle minions. So far I have found success on the ladder, reaching rank 5, and wanted to share a preliminary decklist with the community to gain some more feedback so we can create a strong viable list. I am also currently creating a spreadsheet to look at the information from various matchups.
This is a work in progress and a call to the community for help!
Wow, This deck is amazing, only 1 change – 1 Tw Summoner + 1 sylvanas
post your tracker stats
This is a great deck. Pretty good win-rate against most of the meta decks and lots of fun for rogue players. I’ve found that 2 shadow strike and 1 sap works better for this deck and in this meta because you’d more often rather kill things outright (better against shaman – thing from below, fire ele, etc). I also think cairne is a solid option in this deck and since I don’t have xaril, I swapped him for cairne.
I played 6 matches and I have lost only vs a yogg-druid due to the old-rng-god. I won even vs a zoolock and 2 dragon warrior on rank 14/12.
This is one of the best rogue deck I have seen in a lot of time!! Only thing: I don’t have Xaril. Any suggestion? Would assassinate fit in this deck?
You can honestly get by with huge toad or another aggressive early drop, even defender of Argus.
Been playing aggro/midrange rogue this season and am currently rank 3. Your list seems strong and for what I see there are only a few cards that differ in our decks. Once I get to legend I’ll post my list. Cheers
Seems strong, have you considered leeroy as a closer?