General Mulligans
Muligan depends highly on the enemy that you encounter. If you are up against control or combo, mulligan for pocket galaxy, mountain giant, conjurers calling or anything that gives you card draw or value generation. In this matchup you want to play pocket galaxy or your giant combo as early as possible. Against control or combo a starting hand with pocket galaxy is normally GG... ;)
If you encounter aggro, you want to mulligan for removal, taunt and other strong early game cards. Blast wave can be a good choice to keep in that matchup but doomsayer is better. Just clear and survive their early storm, then outvalue them in the midgame. I found aggro to be a very easy matchup most of the time.
Hi Guys!
I want to share with you the deck which I am currently having a blast climbing the ladder. It is basically a best of everything combination of the old Khadgar dragon mage combined with the Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk pack. First runs the old Mountain Giant & Conjurer's Calling win pack, the Firetree Witchdoctor for adaptive spell discovery, Rabble Bouncer, Alexstrasza, Kalecgos and of course Book of Specters for a cheap 3 card draw. Later pack gives you a good early game, more card draw. Lastly I added Luna's Pocket Galaxy as another outvalue win condition after its buff . It really shines in this deck.
I am further running 2 copies of Blast Wave which really shine in the current meta as good early aoe removals and value generators, because plenty of decks are currently running mechs that grant them 1-live-tokens on death or other 1-life minions.
I have been climbing the ladder from 10 to 5 the last two days with this deck and was impressed by the power and versatality of this deck. The only decks which are a somewhat bad matchups are the new pogo-rouge and the OTK-pala – both seemed to be rather rare. Everything else was 70+ WR. 🙂
If you try it, please let me know if it works a good for you, too. Have fun!