The goal of this deck is to use Princess Talanji to pull out 6 Leeroys!
We can do this with the help of Spirit of the Dead, Vivid Nightmare and Jepetto.
Ideally, we Jepetto into our Leeroy. Then, we Spirit of the Dead, Spirit of the Dead, Vivid Nightmare a Spirit, Leeroy, Vivid Nightmare a Leeroy, and trade off the Leeroys.
(If we don’t get Leeroy off Jepetto like in the video above you just have to use Seances and multiple turns to get 6 Leeroys in deck)
We now have 6 Leeroys in deck! Play Bwonsamdi to draw them!
And finally, Princess Talanji for 36 Damage!
Very challenging, but satisfying!
Good luck!