14-1 Legend Control Rogue

Class: Rogue - Format: pegasus - Type: control - Season: season-128 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Always keep: Prep + Dubious Purchase if both are in your hand

If you have velarok in hand: Prep + Health Drink can be nice to keep vs faster decks to guarantee a turn 3 velarok which can snowball.

Always keep all the cards in general

Hey, I cooked up a cheeky control rogue decklist and have been seeing massive amounts of success on EU high legend (currently Legend 1548, with a 14-1 record).

ETC: Incindius, Kil'jaeden, Snatch and Grab 

Zilliax: Summon a copy + lifesteal

Some card choices explained: 

Cover Artist : Can lead to crazy combos with Sonya Waterdancer , can also be used to copy enemy titans, or Reskas. Overall feels very flexible card. Something that can go quite crazy is to play The Ceaseless Expanse for 0 mana, then do Sonya Waterdancer + Cover Artist combo with Sandbox Scoundrel, to then simply Breakdance your The Ceaseless Expanse, and you know have 3 0 mana Breakdances in your hand as well as a The Ceaseless Expanse to keep clearing your opponents board as well as dropping a 15/15.

Incindius : If you still have a Shadowstep in your hand and some of the combo cards ready in your hand, just go for the crazy Sonya Waterdancer combo where you get 3 0 mana Incindiuses. Could definelty be removed, just a fun lil win con vs. some slower decks.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments 

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  1. BIackBear
    November 12, 2024 at 12:12 PM

    Are there any cards you could cut to make the deck cheaper but still work reasonably well.

    • MrMeme - Author
      November 13, 2024 at 10:55 AM

      Incindius is not essential, you could replace him with a Dirty Rat or a the destroy enemy weapon Viper, other possibilities would be a Flik Skyshiv or Shadow Word: Steal. Up to personal preference and what you feel like you’re struggling with.
      Could also put Kil’jaeden out of ETC (I’ve got to experiment with this)
      Could probably replace the Tar Slick with a Scarab keychain, although tar slick + Health drink turns go crazy.
      Or if you do Tar slick + tess (which replays all your health drinks).
      Could possibly replace the Cover Artist with a Mind Control Tech.
      Could replace Griftah with Speaker Stomper.

      Overall I do think all the legendary cards this deck runs are very GOOOD and hard to replace with cards that are gonna be just as good.
      What cards are you missing?

      • BIackBear
        November 13, 2024 at 2:50 PM

        Thanks for the help. I don’t have velarok, Eudora or Griftah. Should I add pressure points and the other combo cards to replace the cards I don’t have?

        • MrMeme - Author
          November 13, 2024 at 2:59 PM

          I don’t think the combo package is really worth running in this deck.
          All 3 of these cards can be game winning cards so I think the the deck will be pretty bad if you’re missing all 3 of these to be honest, I know there is some Sonya combo OTK decks so you could look to play those.
          Or if you want a slower Rogue deck thats refreshing you could try to cook up a slower starship control Rogue deck list. I’ve got a couple in the making but they’re still not great