General Mulligans
There’s really no “general” mulligan for this deck. Because you aren’t doing to much in the early game, against non-Aggro decks you’re simply looking for the powerful cards in the matchup, even if they’re slower (Dr. Boom, Ooze, Shield Slam etc.).
Aggro Mulligans
Against Aggro you’re simply looking for the powerful removal that ultimately ends up winning you the game. Reckless flurry is fantastic against every aggressive deck in this format, especially ZooLock. Shield slam is good against Odd rogue
Odd Warrior is a deck I’ve been having tremendous success with in any random queue, ladder style format. It has great matchups against almost all the popular ladder decks (Aggro, EvenLock, Maly Druid) and is incredibly consistent. This was my first time using the rush package and I thought it was very good but there are plenty of subs for those cards for anybody without them. Hope you try it out, you won’t be disappointed!