I believe that your only hope against Mecha’thun decks would be killing them before the combo. You could run Alexstrasza. Maybe even play the quest and a few extra taunts. Not sure how it would affect other matchups, though.
The only thing I could think off was playing Mukla and shield slamming it as they are about to end the game next turn so now they have the bananas and nothing to play them on xD Gonna try that. Right now removing azalina doesn’t affect other matchups whatsoever because I can never justify playing it anyways. Might as well add something that improves winrate against those matchups.
like any deck you dont draw your answers you lose and i dgaf who you are oh how you play you lose. stalestone is pure garbage. teamdowns needs to seriously relook at the whole game. this is the last xpan i will ever buy. the games take too long and frankly its not even worth doing the quests for gold….pure boredom right now.
There will be games when shudderwock will be in the hand very early on (before turn 7) through the mulligan process or just from drawing it. Tanking up doesn’t do much to reduce the damage you take from shudderwock’s battlecry. Multiple shudderwocks coming down on the board the turn afterwards you first played him will just snowball from there on out.
Its not rocket science to know when throw your azalina against Shudderwock and Maly/Togwaggle Druid. Those are my favourite matchups because of the challenge, you just Mulligan for Azalina. Of course you can’t always draw Azalina on time, but same goes to Big Spell Mage with Jaina. Unfavourable, arguably, but unbeatable, please… Only APM Priest and mechathun decks in right hands are practically impossible to beat.
how is it unfavoured against maly druid lmao you literally just stack armor every turn and you survive the combo. also azalina is literally in the deck to beat shudderwock and togwaggle. please actually play the deck or watch someone play it before you make a comment
Favorable matchups:
Even shaman
Big druid
Even lock
Elemental mage
50/50 matchups:
Control lock
Unfavorable matchups:
Big spell mage
Token druid (this deck uses 2 x whirlwind for that reason. So token might be favorable in that situation)
Rattle hunter.
Lots of tech cards, perfect for a Zola copy. Against control go for a copy of Elise, if u need to destroy moar weapons aim for ooze, need life gain? go for zilliax, and so on
It heavily depends on the matchup. Against some decks, like Malygos Druid or Tempo Mage, you NEVER want to play Dr. Boom, unless you really need that last burst of 7 Armor to survive.
But there are matchups in which you just need it for the value. In the mirror matchup, for example, or vs Control Warlock. It’s hard to win without it.
It’s a key card. The hero power and the passive are really strong. You loose against combo and rogue quest anyway. This card gives u a real advantage against all the other decks.
How do you win against Shudderwock / Mecha‘thun decks?
Just asking because I‘m piloting a similar version between rank 1000 and 3000 and my winrate against Wock and Thun is at 10-20%…
I don‘t use Rover, Whirlwind and MCT, but all 3 don‘t help against those decks… ?
Deathtrattle hunter and quest rogue are also very hard. This decks farms aggro decks like tempo rogue, zoo and odd paladin. Druid is also fine. And mirror is soooo boring. So it depends on the meta and luck.
This is not really for taunts. Zola is here for the fatigue matchups to get Elise or your direhorn back and get an extra card. And as dereck said, for other tech cards.
zola on elise. its for the control matchups where you need extra value. zola also on owls cause silence is super strong and needed on all those deathrattles and storng cards right now
Azalina feels useless to me, what are some good cards to go against mecha’thun decks?
I believe that your only hope against Mecha’thun decks would be killing them before the combo. You could run Alexstrasza. Maybe even play the quest and a few extra taunts. Not sure how it would affect other matchups, though.
The only thing I could think off was playing Mukla and shield slamming it as they are about to end the game next turn so now they have the bananas and nothing to play them on xD Gonna try that. Right now removing azalina doesn’t affect other matchups whatsoever because I can never justify playing it anyways. Might as well add something that improves winrate against those matchups.
like any deck you dont draw your answers you lose and i dgaf who you are oh how you play you lose. stalestone is pure garbage. teamdowns needs to seriously relook at the whole game. this is the last xpan i will ever buy. the games take too long and frankly its not even worth doing the quests for gold….pure boredom right now.
This deck is very unfavored against shudderwock, malygos druid, and togwaggle druid. However the deck has strong matchups against aggro decks.
What do you think Azalina is for n00b.
You will still lose most of your portion of games way before u can play Azalina. You sound like a kid for name calling
Luna Ur so dumin this type of matchup u won’t play boom very quickly and will gain a lot of armour with that armour u can stall till azalina easily
There will be games when shudderwock will be in the hand very early on (before turn 7) through the mulligan process or just from drawing it. Tanking up doesn’t do much to reduce the damage you take from shudderwock’s battlecry. Multiple shudderwocks coming down on the board the turn afterwards you first played him will just snowball from there on out.
Its not rocket science to know when throw your azalina against Shudderwock and Maly/Togwaggle Druid. Those are my favourite matchups because of the challenge, you just Mulligan for Azalina. Of course you can’t always draw Azalina on time, but same goes to Big Spell Mage with Jaina. Unfavourable, arguably, but unbeatable, please… Only APM Priest and mechathun decks in right hands are practically impossible to beat.
how is it unfavoured against maly druid lmao you literally just stack armor every turn and you survive the combo. also azalina is literally in the deck to beat shudderwock and togwaggle. please actually play the deck or watch someone play it before you make a comment
Highly favorable matchups:
Odd rogue
Odd paly
Maly druid
Spell hunter.
Burn mage
Favorable matchups:
Even shaman
Big druid
Even lock
Elemental mage
50/50 matchups:
Control lock
Unfavorable matchups:
Big spell mage
Token druid (this deck uses 2 x whirlwind for that reason. So token might be favorable in that situation)
Rattle hunter.
Highly unfavorable matchups:
Topsy priest
All mechathun decks
Kingsbane rogue
Quest rogue
DMH warrior
That’s it.
Lots of tech cards, perfect for a Zola copy. Against control go for a copy of Elise, if u need to destroy moar weapons aim for ooze, need life gain? go for zilliax, and so on
Is Azalina worth crafting for this deck?
Is dr. Boom important? I don’t have it but i feel that my upgrade hero power is better, then booms.
It heavily depends on the matchup. Against some decks, like Malygos Druid or Tempo Mage, you NEVER want to play Dr. Boom, unless you really need that last burst of 7 Armor to survive.
But there are matchups in which you just need it for the value. In the mirror matchup, for example, or vs Control Warlock. It’s hard to win without it.
It’s a key card. The hero power and the passive are really strong. You loose against combo and rogue quest anyway. This card gives u a real advantage against all the other decks.
Just throw in the quest and you have a better win condition against control decks
How do you win against Shudderwock / Mecha‘thun decks?
Just asking because I‘m piloting a similar version between rank 1000 and 3000 and my winrate against Wock and Thun is at 10-20%…
I don‘t use Rover, Whirlwind and MCT, but all 3 don‘t help against those decks… ?
You can’t
This deck suffers as every other control deck, you can destroy aggro and probably midrange, but you can’t beat cthun
Deathtrattle hunter and quest rogue are also very hard. This decks farms aggro decks like tempo rogue, zoo and odd paladin. Druid is also fine. And mirror is soooo boring. So it depends on the meta and luck.
If you are running 2x Whirlwinds (which I like for Super Colliders and Token Druid, I wonder if you should run King Mosh too.
Whats the sinergy between super and whirl?
Idk, maybe to set the hp perfectly to 2. But I dont find it really relevant in this deck
Is Elise important? Also what minion do you use Zola on?
Thank you
Elise’s never really a core card, you can replace her by anything you may need, I’d go for a 2nd MCT since the hunter match is real bad.
Zola’s good targets would be your taunts (Zilliax being the best one). But it really depends on matchup, tbh.
This is not really for taunts. Zola is here for the fatigue matchups to get Elise or your direhorn back and get an extra card. And as dereck said, for other tech cards.
zola on elise. its for the control matchups where you need extra value. zola also on owls cause silence is super strong and needed on all those deathrattles and storng cards right now