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Deck Class Arcane Dust Updated Score

Big Spell Mage – #1 Legend (大白菜熊) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Big Spell Mage - Player: Stonekeep
mage 7,080 5 days ago -6

Odyn Control Warrior – #1 Legend (从现在7) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Control Warrior - Player: Stonekeep
warrior 12,720 5 days ago 1

Overheal Priest – #1 Legend (Unknown) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Overheal Priest - Player: Stonekeep
priest 9,660 5 days ago 2

Jormungar Egg Hunter – #111 Legend (theHitman) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Jormungar Hunter - Player: Stonekeep
hunter 12,840 5 days ago 0

Earthen Paladin – Legend (Jiminator) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Earthen Paladin - Player: TheJiminator
paladin 8,640 5 days ago 6

Big Spell Mage – #1 Legend (PrincesS) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Big Spell Mage - Player: PrincesS
mage 8,400 6 days ago 4

Beast Token Hunter – #10 Legend (SSQ) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Beast Hunter - Player: Stonekeep
hunter 8,080 6 days ago 3

Sonya Draw Rogue – #20 Legend (J_Alexander) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Draw Rogue - Player: J_Alexander
rogue 8,400 6 days ago 4

Reno Shaman – #24 Legend (NoHandsGamer) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Reno Shaman - Player: NoHandsGamer
shaman 22,440 6 days ago 3

Pirate Aggro Demon Hunter – #161 Legend (chuntyun) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Aggro Demon Hunter - Player: Chuntyun
demon-hunter 8,640 6 days ago 1

Miracle Priest – #1 Legend (BlossomAdieu) – Wild S126

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Miracle Priest - Player: Stonekeep
priest 3,520 6 days ago 0

Reno Shudderwock Shaman – #1 Legend (AFgudehaofan) – Wild S126

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Reno Shaman - Player: AFgudehaofan
shaman 30,280 6 days ago 1

Reno Exodia Paladin – #1 Legend (SUA) – Wild S126

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Reno Paladin - Player: Stonekeep
paladin 30,880 6 days ago 0

Pirate Aggro Demon Hunter – #22 Legend (ipdb) – Wild S126

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Aggro Demon Hunter - Player: Stonekeep
demon-hunter 8,400 6 days ago 0

Discard Warlock – #324 Legend (RishadanPort) – Wild S126

Format: wild - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Discard Warlock - Player: RishadanPort
warlock 3,880 6 days ago 1

Big Spell Mage – #1 Legend (LvGe) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Big Spell Mage - Player: LvGe
mage 7,140 1 week ago 13

Reno Hunter – #9 Legend (Pizza) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Reno Hunter - Player: Pizza
hunter 19,320 1 week ago 2

Odyn Control Warrior – #65 Legend (reqvam) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Control Warrior - Player: Stonekeep
warrior 9,240 1 week ago -1

Rainbow Aggro Shaman – #98 Legend (tibolt) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Aggro Shaman - Player: tibolt
shaman 9,480 1 week ago 2

Pain Warlock – #183 Legend (Tweeg) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Pain Warlock - Player: Tweeg
warlock 11,280 1 week ago 6

Big Rainbow Shaman – #1 Legend (Sabertan) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Big Shaman - Player: Stonekeep
shaman 11,820 1 week ago 5

Reno Well Rogue – #23 Legend (WDGyimi) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Reno Rogue - Player: Stonekeep
rogue 18,960 1 week ago 6

Combo Druid – #28 Legend (cletus) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Combo Druid - Player: cletus
druid 5,200 1 week ago 1

Bird Hunter – #178 Legend (keloid) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Bird Hunter - Player: Stonekeep
hunter 10,320 1 week ago 13

Sludge Warlock – #229 Legend (NikoPiPasta) – Perils in Paradise

Format: pegasus - Style: ladder - Season: season-126 - Archetype: Sludge Warlock - Player: NiKoPiPasta
warlock 7,860 1 week ago -4
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